Steve Whittington, Flaman's VP of Marketing and an avid mountain climber, will face one of his biggest challenges in March when he attempts to climb Mount Everest. Part of that challenge lies in the vigourous training he will under go in the next few months to prepare. Steve will be sharing his training journey with us in a series of blog posts; all the ups and downs, struggles and successes.
I have to start by saying, I LOVE to run. Running is how I make myself feel better. Running is when I think things through. Running is my "me" time.
A central aspect of my fitness philosophy -- one that I try to instill in my clients, my readers and myself -- is that the purpose of exercise should not be just to look fit.
It's nearly 9 p.m. You've just finished putting the kids to sleep after a long day at work, and would like nothing more than to plop down on the couch with some crackers and cheese, chocolate or a bag of chips (or, in my case,all of the above).
Is your New Year's Resolution to get in shape? If you're in the Edmonton area there's a great new program to help you on your way.