If I had to pick the most important thing I've learned over the past couple of years, it would be, "No matter how good, how accessible, or how cheap a piece of fitness equipment is, if a person does not 'start' or 'want to start,' then nothing happens. I've even wirtten about it here "
This is why I love a new book to be released this October by Canada's fitness information leader - Kathleen Trotter – as it addresses this very issue.It is entitled, "Finding Your Fit; A Compassionate Trainer's Guide to Making Fitness a Lifelong Habit."
More Kathleen approved "do anywhere" workouts!
This is part two of my "do anywhere" workout series! The main take-away from part one is - "don't use the pull of relaxing on a dock, traveling, or drinking on a patio as an excuse to become a sloth! It is possible enjoy summer AND maintain your fitness! The key is to have a few workouts in your back pocket that you can literally do anywhere — in a hotel room, in your living room, or even on the dock at the cottage".
This time I am outlining how to do my "10 by 1 minute" workout and "11's". Both are convenient yet effective workouts that you can do anywhere. Basically, with these workouts you have no excuse to be inactive!
I recently was on vacation, or a "staycation" as lots of people have come to call it. And trying to stay in routine (if you're in one) fitness wise, is definitely a challenge. Motivation at times sort of flies out the window, workouts start to be skipped, but worst of all, your eating habits become lack luster at best. But it's not a bad thing. It's perfectly fine to take a break every once in a while with both the eating right and performing any workouts. But of course you don't want all of your progress/gains to go right out the window either.
Guest blog by Brandon Fischer, Flaman Fitness, Burlington, ON
Being healthy is easier than you think. Learn how a simple habit, proven by medical studies, can produce remarkable results. It's the perfect home workout for the time deprived modern lifestyle.