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Jennifer Thompson

 Jennifer Thompson

Jennifer Thompson is a marketer and mom who lives in Ontario. She loves writing, telling stories and using content to help reach other people who may be wondering about fitness and health. She’s happy to share her experiences as a regular person trying to navigate her own fitness journey. Whether it’s finding time to work out and be active while balancing work and family, eating better or even experimenting with new fitness technology, Jennifer hopes to share insight that others find useful. She feels strongly that the products and services Flaman Fitness offers can help offers meet their health and fitness goals.

Women and Weight Lifting

Strength training is an important part of any exercise routine. We've posted before about how lifting weights can help you lose weight.

8 Ways to Exercise at Work

Making time for a workout can be challenging. But getting in some exercises throughout the day doesn't mean you have to spend an hour on your treadmill or home gym. There are many ways you can get in some quick exercises to keep you active throughout the day that don't take up too much time. And it all adds up! Here are some exercises you can do at work while you're on your lunch or coffee break.

Workout with a medicine ball

Medicine balls can help you improve strength and coordination. They're a great training tool because you can add it to almost any exercise to challenge your core stability and improve coordination. Blast your arms and ab muscles by carrying a medicine ball while doing lunges or squats. Try these beginner medicine ball exercises today!

Sweating doesn't lead to fat loss

Exercising in hot environments is a popular fitness trend. Think hot yoga. When you finish your workout dripping with sweat, you feel a sense of accomplishment. But what does that sweat really mean? It may surprise you that sweat doesn't equate to fat loss. Sweating is necessary to help you achieve weight loss, but it does not actually cause the pounds to melt away.

Is sitting the new smoking?

Is sitting the new smoking? That might seem like a bold statement, considering the harmful effects from smoking. But many recent studies have shown that people who sit for long periods every day face serious health risks, such as a heightened risk of serious illness and premature death.

What's the best way to cook vegetables?

We all know that eating vegetables is good for you. But to get the most nutritional benefits out of your veggies, you have to cook them right.

7 Tips to Eat Healthier

You've been working out and sticking to an exercise routine, but that's just one part of weight loss. All your hard work on your machine can be lost if you're not eating right.

Fun workouts for your cardio machine

To keep you motivated with your cardio machine, we've put together a few workouts in 35 minutes or less that will get your heart pumping and burn calories on your treadmill, elliptical or bike.

Outdoor play is good for kids' health

We all know that playing outside is good for kids. It lets them enjoy the fresh air, use their imagination and have fun.

Bounce your way to health

Trampolines are a lot of fun. But did you know that bouncing actually has many health benefits? Your body's lymph system supports immune function – it bathes every cell, carrying nutrients to the cell and waste products away. But it's totally dependent on physical exercise to move.