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Trusting in the Process

Trusting in the process – it's a term my coach has used before. I like to throw my whole heart into things and I love structure in certain aspects of my life. Lately I find myself tuning into that saying for a few things.

My training is a process is always trust. My body sometimes betrays me a bit, so slowing down and thinking about trusting the process helps. This applies from tying my shoes to applying the correct balance in overhead squats. From walking down stairs on a bridge in the dark with my hubby to even eating in strange lighting. It actually all came down to a process, one my body has the ability to do....just slow down, breathe and trust.

Tying tangled shoes has been a pet peeve when you cannot see the shoelaces got tangled. Trust comes into play that your brain and fingers know how to do the work. Muscle memory. Slow it down and figure it out. Same thing with my squats. Slow it down, use the right muscles. Trust. I often close my eyes when I need to tune in to those muscles.

Now when it came to walking on the stairs I had no sight of them and no depth. My hubby foot, one step at a time. You know how to do this. Often to trust and follow a process lightens the heart and takes the stress out of what you do. Simplify. Eating in the dark: same mechanics. You don't need to see. Worse thing that happens is that you use your fingers. Life has to have the adventure.

I am finding ease when I let go and trust in so many more areas of my life. We spend so much time rehearsing, so practice what you do know. Tune in to all the little things. Thanks for the lesson Rhaea. I know it has helped my overheads. And I got the knots out of my wrestling shoes.