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Top Three Reasons and Cures for Non Fitness

This blog is part 2 in a series, for part 1 see

The holy grail of fitness – or anything for that matter - seems to be getting from thinking about doing something to actually doing it.

Now, if you think about why you started something in your life, there are probably only a few key reasons why (or why not in this case).

The following three reasons are what I see most. Yes, there are some critical exceptions, but be honest with yourself – you're the only one that needs to know.

"Don't know what to do."

Here's a quick and easy one, put on a pair of shoes and go for a walk. There are also a lot of free advice items within these blogs or at Or perhaps that "I'm not sure what to do" statement is just any easy way out of starting? Just give this some thought.

"Don't have the equipment."

No problem, there are lots of inexpensive yet effective ways to be active. Dance around your living room bare foot, do body weight exercises in front of the TV. . . . There are also a lot of free advice items within these blogs or at Or perhaps that "I don't have the equipment" statement is just any easy way out of starting? Just give this some thought.

"Don't want to do it."

Yep, there's an honest answer, but it's rarely said like that. So, why don't you want to? You're reading this, so you want to on some level, right? Maybe not.

The third item "don't want to" has symptoms of:

"Not enough time"

Fitness must not be a priority then, because if it were, you would not have enough time to do something else instead.

"Procrastination or being uninspired"

This could be caused by having too much time on your hands; you may not have a looming deadline so it's put off. A heart attack, class reunion, doctor's orders, threat of being fired – you found something else you want to do but need to get this done first, or guilt and the like can sometimes break this. This is: "You know you're supposed to be doing something but you're waiting for someone else or something to cause you to do it."

"Saying it's reason 1 or 2 from the first list."

Using seemingly tangible excuses to others (like you don't know what to do or have no equipment), but you know you're lying to yourself when you really think about it.


This can be very real. Start by walking around inside your house, then get a treadmill to walk or run on inside or start walking then run outside, and then . . . .

OK, that's all nice, but how do we get going?

See my blog at

Basically, add fitness to something you already go to to feel good – including watching TV.