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Today's the Day to Start your Fitness Goal

They say a journey of a 1,000 miles begins with a single step.

So I say to you: today's the day to take that first step towards a healthier lifestyle.

At Flaman Fitness, that is our mantra, our battle cry, our philosophy. We believe that health and fitness is for everyone. And today's the day to start. Today's the day to make that commitment to yourself. You can start your fitness journey in any way – eating one less cookie, walking your dog more, running on your treadmill or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. It's all about taking that first step.

New Years is a popular time to make resolutions and goals for the following year. And if you've done that, that's awesome. But you don't have to wait until New Years. And if you didn't make a goal on January 1, it's not too late. Start today.

That's a sentiment echoed by other fitness experts too, according to a recent article in the Globe and Mail. That article notes that losing weight and getting fit are the top five resolutions each year, but many people can't stick with their goal all the way into spring.

“The New Year's resolution is a kind of grand, glorified, long-term goal that people, for societal reasons, tend to begin on the first day of the calendar year," said Gregory Chertok, a sports psychology consultant with the American College of Sports Medicine in the Globe article published December 30. Goals set because people feel they should make them tend to be pressure-filled, unrealistic and less likely to be accomplished, he says. “'I'd like to cut down on junk food a little bit,' is a goal more likely to be accomplished than 'I'll completely revamp my lifestyle,' which is the kind of goal we set as a New Year's resolution."

Dr. Michele Olson, professor of exercise science at Auburn University at Montgomery, notes in the same article: “If there is a fitness need, such as to increase strength or decrease body fat, I say, 'Let's make a plan now."

At Flaman Fitness, we're here to help you with your plan and your goals. You've made a commitment to be healthy and to start today, so come see us. You can speak with a product expert about your fitness goals and they'll help you select the right equipment to meet them.

For more about goal setting and picking the right equipment for your goals, stay tuned for our next blog post.

To read the full Globe and Mail article, click here.