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Hitting the Reset Button

I was dealt a card that I don't like. After training so hard and then 3 weeks away from my provincial competition I had to withdraw. It was worse than getting lemon in a wound. Ouch! There are always worse things in life but I am stubborn and I wanted to compete.

Truth is life is not always what we want it to be. We get dealt certain cards, how we make our next move is what affects us. This forced me to do some thinking. I now have some downtime. I train when my body feels good but post-op I will have a rebuilding phase. My coach said something about hitting the reset button. That sounds entirely right. I am mapping out some goals, short term and long term. That feels good and that's how I am going to play my next card. I do see how easy it can be for someone to get frustrated and walk away. Pain and disruption can be discouraging. Will of the heart and mind can be so much bigger if you let it.

In the meantime I move. I am a firm believer in the power of movement. When my body lets me, I lift. Sometimes I need to get at it before my body realizes what's going on! HA! I walk. No biking for a change but that's ok. I am trying something different. It's time to switch gears, not forever just for a short while. When I am back competing I am determined to be stronger than before.

Tapping into that will and the power of the mind is going to be key. I am setting goals in my goal book and journaling when I need to. Maybe we all need to press reset once in a while, take a step back look at things and then jump back in.

Look out 2014!