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Just Take Some 'Me' Time

Regular life is busy.

You have your family to look after, your home to clean, your meals to shop for and prepare and your job. Then you add in your workouts, catching your friend for a visit, and if you have kids, add in their activities. Finding time for yourself, time to just relax is always a challenge. So do you do it? In my opinion it is a must!

Whether it's a massage, getting my hair done, or even just a trip downtown to a store by myself …something to clear my mind and be by myself, it just really prevents me from burning out.

So last week I took a day! I decided to go to Regina BY MYSELF!

I figured I should finally use this gift card to a spa I had (it was a year old) and do some errands around town, but without a toddler!! I was so excited.

I started by getting my teeth whitened at the Spa - Now I LOVE teeth. So when choosing something to use my card with it was a no brainer. Now yes my teeth are 'whiter' already but I do drink at least half a pot of coffee (usually more) a day, so just to brighten them up! It was 30 minutes and really did make a difference in the colour!

Then I went to the farmers' market and then the Cornwall and did a little bit of shopping but lots of looking around. Now don't get me wrong I love going to the city with Penn, and he is awesome…but he is still a 3 year old - so any trips into stores have to be well planned and you get in and browsing. So just looking at everything was just terrific!

Now do you know The Chopped Leaf?! If you do not, you need to!! I waited in a 25 minute line just so I could have one of their wraps - I promise you they are delish! I did try to eat in the park…..but after an odd encounter with a shirtless man blarring Eminem on his bicycle (haha not joking) I figured best to just eat in my vehicle.

What was really exciting was after that I went to Home Depot and I bought my new glass gym door! In case you didn't know, my gym has been in full reno mode for a while now. Close to a month now of it just not being clean or put together, which isn't my favourite. But I can tell you this room is going to be beautiful when its done - new wall/door for privacy, new bigger mirrors, new flooring and unit stand. I cannot wait!

So I ask you- When was the last time you took some 'me time'? Has it been awhile? Or are you feeling it's needed?

Then I challenge you to do it! Take some time for yourself! I promise you will feel more recharged after.

When I got home Penn greeted me with a running hug telling me how much he missed me (I wasn't there for supper, that was the only difference for him haha) but truly, even his reaction was worth it! That boy I tell ya, he could melt 1000 hearts :)

Watch out because next week I will be reviewing my Max Trainer & showing you my squat challenge results!

Hope your week is fabulous guys!
