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Finding The Time

Today was one of those days. You all know the days, where you feel like you have a zillion things going on and there just isn't enough hours in the day.

Work has been getting busier for me, which in one sense is nice my days go by quicker but in another it leaves more on my brain when I am home. If you know me, you know me working was never in my 'plan' for when I had Penn. I was going to be a stay at home mom till Penn was 5 and then do the part time thing. Well then the more I started thinking; I wanted Penn to have that interaction with more kids and the chance to listen to more then just me and understand that in different places their may be different rules...and then I got offered a position that I couldn't have picked better..and a day care position open up with the only person I would ever trust with it was all meant to be I am sure of still is just hard on me as I want to be with him all day...... So wow their was a side rant ha! (this is what happens this late when I write this)

Anyways today Penn also started swimming lessons. He actually did this last fall and loved it and passed but I wanted to re put him in it because he was still in the age category AND he has changed so much since then

Seriously his facial expressions just kill me!! He of course had a blast and loved it. PS I totally got Lorne to take him in today, I knew Penn would be so excited to be with his dad and I still have some bathing suit phobia.

Then the rest of the night was taken by laundry, tiding and putting Penn to bed...SO by the time I had a chance to work it out it was 9:00 PM. AH it took all my might to put those runners on. I had even stupidly already washed my face and put my lotion on...working out was by far the LAST thing I wanted to do. Not to mention I was totally tired.

Well I did it anyways! Crushed out 30 minutes of cardio then did a little back session.

Seriously today gave me a little more insight to people with real full time jobs or more then just one kid or jeepers when they are in activities how hard finding time to work out is...I wanted to totally just lay in bed and spy on Facebook, but instead I made the time and got it done.

Tonight I will give myself a little fist pump!
