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Down and Not Out

Embracing downtime. Downtime is a hard concept to wrap your head around, especially when you are used to being on the go all the time. I thrive on structure. A couple days, or even a week of downtime is fine, but entering a time of more than that can be hard. Harder than training full force.

The beauty of it is, that everyone in my house has come to teach me a thing or two. My husband goes for walks with me or has a Sons of Anarchy marathon with me. This still isn't enough for my on the go brain. My oldest has come into my lifting room to visit while I bench press, reminding me to take breaks and take some 'me time'. My youngest gave me a "muffin project". She knows how much I enjoy being in the kitchen, so she thought of her favorite thing and asked me to make it for her. I have found myself playing in the snow. My family has reminded me to slow down, relax and take the time. I always have time for them, but taking the time for myself is harder. I have made a reading list for the Christmas break. We have enjoyed evening "couch time ". It has been good for all of us.

I am not out of training by any means. I am excited for things to come. But for the next little bit, I am learning to appreciate some downtime and explore the side of a bit of R&R. From bench-pressing in pajama pants, to coffee and a book, never overlook the small things. I have learned some of the best lessons in life from my children, and now I am letting them teach me how to slow down. I know they are going to be there when I pick it back up again so I will learn from some great little teachers; how to play, how to relax and how to find joy in other things. With the very first box of Christmas oranges of the year, we play 'who can peel them in a continuous peel?' May be silly, but bringing some laughter into the day is great for all of us, athletes or not.

I think I will always thrive on structure, but maybe making this time for all of us to slow down, walk in the snow or the sun, and just realize how lucky we are should be mandatory. This is a different side of strength, strengthening the bond that keeps me strong. I hope everyone can embrace a bit of downtime, appreciate that which strengthens them. Looks like there will be fresh snow, pull-ups and snowballs fights on the agenda!

Embracing downtime. Downtime is a hard concept to wrap your head around, especially when you are used to being on the go all the time. I thrive on structure. A couple days, or even a week of downtime is fine, but entering a time of more than that can be hard. Harder than training full force.