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Kathleen Trotter

 Kathleen Trotter

Kathleen Trotter (, author of Finding Your Fit. A Compassionate Trainer’s Guide to Making Fitness a Lifelong Habit, writes for the Globe and Mail and Huffington Post, blogs for Flaman Fitness, and makes regular TV appearances. Kathleen holds an M.Sc. from the University of Toronto, is a Level 1 Life Coach and holds a nutrition diploma from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. She lives in Toronto.

Twitter: KTrotterFitness

Instagram: KathleenTrotterFitness


How To Use Your Stationary Bike

This blog will give you the rundown on how to use your stationary bike -- blog number four in my “How to use X” series. The bike is a particularly awesome investment if you live someplace that gets a lot of snow and you can’t see yourself exercising outside on frigid and unsafe winter days. Plus, the ability to watch TV while you cycle is often a huge workout motivator.

A Convenient Dumbbell Workout

One of the best parts of dumbbell workouts is that they are convenient: owning just a few sets offers options for a full-body workout. Convenience is key. To achieve any fitness goal you have to be consistent. Convenience breeds consistency; the workout you do once per month is far less important than your daily movement habits. Plus, dumbbell training is functional, effective, and fun.

Put Your Dumbbells to Good Use

Today’s topic is training with dumbbells. “Dumbbell training” is a two-part blog. In this blog I outline basic strength training principles so you know how to organize your dumbbell workout. In my next blog I will outline my favourite dumbbell exercises. Put the two together and voila — success with dumbbells.

Fun Treadmill Workouts for Every Fitness Level

This blog is the first of a series of “How to use X” columns. In each I will outline how to use a different piece of equipment - this first post is about the treadmill. We'll look at the two basic types of cardiovascular workouts: “steady-state workouts” and “intervals.” Read more for workouts you can do at home with your treadmill.

Trying to Change Your Lifestyle? Pinpoint Your Linchpin and BNB Habits!

Instead of spending max effort attempting to alter habits that won’t drastically change your health status - how frustrating and demoralizing - pinpoint your linchpin and BNB (biggest negative bang) habits. The more an eating regimen disrupts your current linchpin and BNB habits, the more impact the change will have.

Meditation is not that scary... I promise

There is a common, often fear-based, misconception that you have to be a particular “type” of person to meditate; if "I got a dime" every time someone said something like, "I can’t get my mind to shut up — I would be the worst at meditation." If you can hear yourself uttering such words, run — don’t walk — towards a meditation practice. Typically, the more impossible meditation feels, the greater the body’s need.

Perfect the Pull-Up

I have a confession to make. I am not very good at pull-ups. The interesting thing is that, as a trainer, I know how to get better at pull-ups. I just never followed the steps. Having information is not the same as doing something with that information. Knowledge is only important once you are ready to not just “wish” a change into existence, but to form a goal and take the steps to set yourself up for success.

I think I am ready to — at least think about — attempt to “perfect the pull-up.” Are you? Here are 4 steps to perfect your pull-up.

Stealthily Sneak Stretching Into Your Day

Every activity program should include the three pillars of fitness: cardiovascular fitness, strength, and mobility.

Many of us — myself included — prioritize the cardiovascular and/or strength pillars. I prioritize running — mostly because it makes me feel like a million bucks — and too often I sacrifice stretching, mobility, and foam rolling. Recently I decided that pattern has to be rectified.

My solution? Stealthily sneaking mobility and stretching into my day. Here's how...

3 New Tricep Exercises

Every new client itemizes their goals. First on most people’s list -- irrespective of age and gender – is some variation on “improved triceps” (the back of the arm). Some people want “stronger triceps.” Others ask for “toned triceps.” Others request more “muscular triceps.” The net take-away is that no one seems completely happy with their current triceps workout. Here are my current favourite triceps exercises.

6 Tips to Stay Healthy at the Cottage

Summer is here in full force — which is fantastic — but it can wreak havoc on a healthy lifestyle; it is easy to consistently overindulge while sitting on the dock, sharing meals with friends and family, playing games, or curling up watching a movie. One or two indulgences can be healthy –— mindfully sharing food with loved ones is a healthy part of a balanced life. The trick is to learn strategies to allow your current self to feel joy and to cultivate positive memories — while still ensuring a happy and proud “future self.”