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Calories in Calories Out

Let me start this blog off by asking you a question: do you think that if we were to duplicate your genetics, and we were to feed one of you 2000 calories of chicken, and the other 2000 calories of ice cream, your body would end up the same? Of course not. It just sounds hilarious to begin with.

What are your exercise goals? Most people would like to retain muscle mass and lose their body fat. Let's go over some elementary concepts first. If you eat 2000 calories, and you're burning 2500 a day by your total daily expenditure, you will lose weight. If you eat 2000 calories, and burn 1500 calories, you will gain weight.

“Weight" can mean water, fat, muscle, glycogen and a host of other lovely variables. This is where what the calories are coming from begins to matter. This is why "eating smaller portions" will only work for so long, until you change WHAT those portions are.

You also have to remember the other macro nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Having the macros set up in the correct amounts will be the key to your success more so than how many calories you are eating, depending on your exercise, goals, etc.

If you eat an ice cream sandwich, and expect to get on the treadmill and "burn it off" you're out of luck. Your body isn't that smart at tossing out crap, it will toss out a mixture of things, possibly fat, possibly hard earned muscle.

It doesn't work that way: unhealthy in does not mean unhealthy out when you exercise. It could be unhealthy in = muscle out. There are tons of formulas out there for how to set up your meal plan, but try to remember: Clean it up first. If your big fallacy is eating unhealthy foods, then cut it out or at the very least minimize it.

If what you're eating is clean and progress has stopped, figure out what macronutrients are in the foods you're eating, and change them around.