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Call it endorphins or habit or whatever you like

Some weeks are weird.

Some weeks you have all the intentions of greatness and life throws a curve ball.

On Tuesday we had to put one of our dogs down.

This is Moka.

We have had Moka since she was a baby and she was 9.5. I got her because I thought our other dog needed a friend. And since the day we got her she has had so many 'mokanesses'.

She failed obedient school 3 times. She ate more Lululemon and gitch then I would ever admit and she would pee if she got too excited and she licked non stop, honestly non stop.

But Moka was sweet, even with all her shennanagins she was always so happy and just wanted to lay with you.

The older she got the more serious her 'mokaness' got.

First she needed 14 teeth pulled as her mouth was rotting (this was not a fun vet bill day) then she needed to go on estrogen pills to help her from peeing in her sleep which also came with lots of tests.

Then her eye sight started to go.

Lately she had been walking into so many walls, and struggled even going out as soon as it got dark. There was so many times my husband had to go down and find her in the backyard because she couldn't see. Then her peeing everywhere randomly was getting so bad, we just knew it was time.

It didn't make the decision or taking her any easier. But to me these are all part of owning a dog and dogs do truly become part of your family.

So what does this have to do with fitness you ask?

I always knew I felt better after I worked out but I had never been in a situation where I needed to 'calm' myself and used working out to help that. On Tuesday night after that long day, I neeeeded that workout. My body was craving something and as soon as I worked out I felt instantly better. It was almost like a weight being taken off me, don't get me wrong it wasn't even a great workout, but it was something.

Call it endorphins or habit or whatever you like. Exercising doesn't just do the body good, it is good for the mind. So now I will never second guess that, if I am needing a mental reset the basement for a workout is exactly where I am going.

So here's to my little Moka and all your pets too!

Enjoy your weekend guys!!