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5 Tips for Keeping your Workouts on Track

Last week I told you I was done with the excuses. I wrote out my workouts and was ready to push myself harder than I had been, I was ready to get back to a good groove and just back to feeling unstoppable.

So how did it go you ask?

Honestly, I am feeling pretty great about it. Every workout last week I crushed, and I swear I got them done way faster feeling way better because I had that plan. I would rate my workouts as 98% and only because Sunday was just a 30 minute cardio day...but I really could have thrown in some abs since Penn was napping.

What I ate this week I give that a 75%. I ate breakfast everyday (this is a big one for me, it's so easy to miss but so important to have!) Drank tons of water everyday. And just really made healthy choices and had appropriate portions.

Last week we were at the outdoor pool almost every day - Penn just loves it there, and he is such a great swimmer, with no fear might I add. On Wednesday he asked me in the morning if we could go and have a pizza party at a restaurant before we go out. Having pizza was not in my plan but let me tell you - this boy is smart, so if I would have ordered a caesar salad and not had pizza he would have said something and been disappointed ha. So a couple pieces of BQQ chicken pizza it was. Then after the afternoon of swimming in the 32c heat we saw the ice cream truck parked..and it sounded pretty perfect. So ice cream it was too (worth it!!). But then the rest of the week I stayed on point... so for me I call that a win.

I think there are lots of ways to stay on track and I wanted to share some with you:

1) Have a water bottle with you at all times - I try to drink a gallon of water a day. Now do I hit that? No, rarely. But I do drink easily 2.5-3 litres a day. The more water you drink, the better you feel...I swear... careful you pee more too though!

2) Carry Juicy Fruit gum & little boxes of raisins with you - sometimes you smell something, or are bored and you just start craving something sweet. Juicy Fruit makes this gum that tastes just like pink Starbursts... it's amazing, and really helps curb that sweet tooth. Plus, sometimes we get out doing things and I realize I am really hungry so I have that box of raisins and just hold me over as a quick snack.

3) Download the My Fitness Pal app on your phone - If you don't have this app already you should get it. Some days I will put all my food in but not every. I use it more to be aware. For example: A Grande Iced Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks is 130 calories when you could get a black iced green tea and squirt a Lemonade Mio shot into it and it's 5 calories. Simple substitutions like that can make a BIG difference in your day, and half the problem is I don't think people realize that things they think are healthy are actually full of hidden sugars and fats. So this app makes you know!

4) Make decisions before you go somewhere - There is always 'places to go' that will offer something delicious and it never fails that as soon as you get started someone has a birthday and will serve cake or you have a BBQ to go to. No problem. Just decide before you go what you are wanting to 'treat yourself' to. Example - Since we had such a nice Wednesday with our pizza party, pool & ice cream. when I took Penn to the new Minion movie on Saturday I told myself 'no popcorn' (which, if you really know me, you know I love popcorn almost more than anything so this is always a hard no) but I did it! Penn got some though and I got to smell it…haha so almost the same thing. Just kidding, it's not at all ha.

5) Plan your workouts in advance - This is a new one for me but I can already tell you it is making it way easier when I get in the basement and after I finish the list I give myself a little fist pump because I did it! Highly recommend this!

But most importantly, I think you should be enjoying yourself. Starting is always the hardest but once you get going you should start to feel better and if you aren't then maybe you need to switch something up! Just stay positive and trust the process!

Also side note-- last week was very exciting for me because I did 2 things I have been wanting to do for awhile … We ordered a Max Trainer!!! This I have been thinking about since right after they came out. Our good friends have had amazing success with it and I am just so excited to compare it to the treadclimber! So can't wait for it to arrive! And I put pink in my hair :) I've wanted to do this for years but haven't been brave enough but I did it!! And just love it!

So here's to another amazing week!
