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12 hives of Christmas

Well is your life starting to get back to normal after Christmas? Or are you stuck between the awkwardness of Christmas Holidays, not knowing what day it is so you're still napping and eating whatever you want? Either way I hope your Christmas was amazing!

Mine was VERY eventful! And I can't even begin to put into words how awesome it was watching Penn, he truly never disappoints with his facial reactions to every gift; he thought the were all SO special!

For myself my 'excitement' started Wednesday the 23rd morning, for the third time in the last month in a half I woke up with hives under my eyes and all swollen. Having no food allergies my whole life, each time the swelling happened including this time I assumed it was something I was putting on myself: chlorine, an eye cream, a new eyeliner, etc. I started taking Bendryl like it was going out of style since I was hosting Christmas eve supper, but even with the Benadryl my face was getting worse.

I didn't want my itchy hot swollen face to take away from Christmas so I tried my best to contain it with Benadryl and kept going on with my holidays like anyone would. Downing coffee to counteract the drowsiness, and eating and drinking all the yummy things I wanted and having fun with my family.

If you wondering from my previous blog, I ended up getting 2 onsies and I couldn't have been more excited, honestly I would still get another! Just the best invention!

On Christmas night the 25th (on my 3rd day in hives) at supper at my parents farm I decided to have a devilled egg (against my husbands advice). Right away my throat felt scratchy, but I thought it was in my head so I decided to have a bath to help me feel better. Bad idea. While in the tub I felt my throat tightening and I tried to talk and couldn't. I quickly got out and ran downstairs where I knew my sister-inlaw had her daughter's EpiPen. By the time I got the downstairs it felt like someone was grabbing my neck and strangling me. The EpiPen went into my thigh and took about 2 minutes to start to feel the relief on my throat. I want you all to know this because at first I kept trying to make it not a big deal, and was ignoring all the signs. My body was going into anaphylactic shock and I was ignoring it. My parents' farm is 30 minutes out of town so I am sooo thankful that I had access to an epi pen!

Since then I have been on a steroid to help with the swelling and now carry an EpiPen with me everywhere. After we started discussing and realized each outbreak including this time I had eggs the day before, and this time with all the baking I was eating it explains why it wasn't going away. I won't know forsure till I see the specialist which I was referred to, so fingers crossed they get me in soon and it is a simple allergy I just need to stay away from. The Dr. informed me that a food allergy can develop at any age so even though I have ate eggs before your hormones can change and you can all of a sudden be allergic. So I will now be avoiding them until I know forsure.

What really is unfortunate is not only do I feel all swollen from everything, I haven't been able to workout in a week. I am going to try a light cardio tonight so fingers crossed that goes well. I dont want to get discouraged so I will just go slow and get back to normal slowly.

So now I am just excited to get back to my normal routine and I hope you guys are starting to get back into yours too! Dont wait till January 1st to do a great workout, go and do one today!
